I decided that I need to start a blog.
Why, for years I kept a journal then just stopped.
I have a negativity problem that was handed down from my mother.
I have noticed that as I have gotten older I am becoming too much like her, So this blog.
My goal is to write in here daily and count my many blessings for I have received many.
I will be turning 55 in 4 days and have spent way to much time surviving thru life,I want to live life and enjoy it a lot more.
I have physical disabilities that make it a challenge at this time but I am hoping in the near future to be able to solve those problems.
Yesterday was stake conference I and my 2 daughters sang in the choir so we got really nice soft seats.
Elder Hales was there and spoke tous or rather I should say taught us.
The whole conference was such a spiritual feast.
There were 5 or 6 speakers and it was all very uplifting.
Our stake president spoke first and was brought to tears as he thanked us for prayers on his behalf.
Last summer he almost lost his arm in a boating accident.
It looks as though he has use of his arm back and hand strength how much I don't know, but he was able to pick up his scriptures and they weren't small ones.
The next speaker was a young woman who turns out was in the first ward I lived in when I moved here after getting married.I got to see her parents who I haven't seen in 25 years.
She spoke on our homes being a safe and warm haven much like the temple is and feeling the comfort in our homes that we feel there.
She shared a story about when she was little and walking home from school on a rainy day, it was a light rain so she and her sisters were taking there time and playing in the rain along the way, (since it hardly rains here)all of a sudden the wind picked up and when she looked up she was a wall of rain .
It started raining harder all at once all of them started running for home they were quite a ways from home so by the time they got there they were soaked and cold, upon entering their home they found their mother ready with warm towels,pop corn and hot chocolate.
The feeling they had was one of safety and love.
I think that is the way we will feel when we finally return to heavenly father.
Elder Hales taught us out of luke 17 and spoke mainly to the youth.
there was so much I can't remember it all but I did read luke 17 this morning so when I want to remember I can always go back there and read that.
So I think my blessing for today is that I still am spiritually full.
Other blessings, my daughter made scrambled eggs for me the way I like them.
It is a sunny bright day out side.
The dogs keep barking so I am aware there is somthing going on outside which I will check out when I am finished here.
The house is quiet.
My time is my own.
Two of my favorite things, being alone and silence.
I also am going to set a goal to read my scriptures daily.I'm reading the pearl of great price. I read about the Lord teaching abraham about god's time. It is all very interesting.
I am working with my daughter on the young woman's values and have a goal to complete it with her.
Hey SIS, I am posting and early Birthday Wish, HAPPY BIRTHDAY in 3 days!!! Thanks for sharing this blog, it's a blessing to be able to read it and to get to know you better through it!!! :]