Thursday, October 13, 2016

7 years ago
I reread my first entry and noticed all of my misspellings and punctuation errors. Guess I was so distraught I forgot to use spellcheck.
I can't believe reading that entry I still fell the same emotions I did the day I wrote it.

An update to that entry.The lawyer that Norm Fitch supposedly hired for me didn't take the case as that is not the kind of case he does so they referred me to someone else. I chose not follow up with that lawyer.

I did qualify us for welfare after fighting their stupid inept system. We qualified for one month it actually goes for 6 months but I felt we shouldn't use it as we finally got Mike qualified for disability a month after we got welfare.Yay

The bishop was awesome the ward helped with all if the utility bills until we got the money and could handle it ourselves.

I am so thankful for this church and my awesome ward.

We now are finally settled into an routine I was able to quality for disability and at that time the bishop counseled me to take my retirement out .
I found it was better to just take early retirement then to remove my retirement, so now we have more coming in financially then we did when I was working.

I bought an new to me used Chevy Trailblazer, It was an impulse buy. I wanted to buy a duel cab truck. Oh well ,I'm planning on trading it in next year for what I really want.

I have been called in my ward as the compassionate service leader.It has been quite interesting too say the least.

I have been saving money to go to Utah. Mindy has set a goal to take out her endowments this year and I want to be there for her.
She doesn't want Mom and Dad to know and she doesn't want Mom there. I understand why but i don't agree.
It is her decision though.

Mom does horn in on things to get the attention on herself.
On my wedding day she decided that we had to seal some of her family together. I was upset because she didn't even ask me, she just dropped it on me at the temple.
I just needed to remember that is what the temple is for and so chose after some thought not to let it bother me and to be thankful that I share that day with someone else in my family.

Michael was discharged from the Navy an has landed at my doorstep. He has been here since August
and now I remember why we kicked him out at 18. He is so disruptive. He chooses to live a filthy and immoral life. I don't know when or if he will ever grow up.
He is talking about moving out. I hope he does soon.Then we can get back to some peace and quiet, and Sarah won't have to see his bad example.

Sarah is in 5th grade this year she wanted to be in the band and learn to play the flute,after a month she decided she hates the flute, actually she hates band class. They go to fast for her, so I hired a young sister that was in our ward to teach her. She doesn't practice like she should so I don't think we will continue.
Makes me feel like saying no to anything she might want lessons in if she won't practice. I see it as a waste of money.

We have had an unusually wet winter and have had 2 very big earthquakes. One in Haiti and another in South America. Wow just checked the news and there have been several more quakes in California, Tiawan and Greece. The earth is rebelling and I don't blame it.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 55. When i was young I thought that was so old. I don't know what I will do tomorrow.I'll have to think about it.

Well that's it for today. 

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